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BAL-ADRIA obavijest; BAL-ADRIA announcement


na žalost, s obzirom na trenutnu situaciju u Hrvatskoj uzrokovanu novim korona virusom, kao i na na temelju preporuka nacionalnih stožera i Sveučilišta u Zadru, BAL-ADRIA The second Baltic-Adriatic Summer School on Digital Humanities odgađa se do daljnjega.

Koristimo prigodu da se ispričamo svima, osobito onima koji su već rezervirali smještaj ili prijevozne karte. 

Nadamo se da ste svi dobro, da slijedite upute struke i da čuvate i sebe i svoje bližnje. Vjerujemo da ćemo se uskoro svi zajedno imati prilike okupiti i na BAL-ADRIA The second Baltic-Adriatic Summer School on Digital Humanities i na drugim događanjima. 

Do tada, čuvajte sebe i svoje bližnje!

BAL-ADRIA programski i organizacijski odbor




Dear colleagues,

We regret to inform you that upcoming BAL-ADRIA The second Baltic-Adriatic Summer School on Digital Humanities will be cancelled in accordance with instruction of Government Authorities and University of Zadar to cancel all events till end of June, due to covid-19.

We take this opportunity to apologize to all of you, especially to those who have already made reservations and booking for travelling to Croatia. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. 

We hope to stay in touch with you and gather all in the new occasion. We will let you know as soon as we have any further details considering BALADRIA 2020.


In the meantime, take care and do what you need to do to stay healthy.


On behalf of the entire BAL-ADRIA Team we wish you all the best of health!